Flow Playground

How to Stake with Locked FLOW

This document outlines the steps a token holder (TH) can take to stake and manage a Flow node using the LockedTokens contract.

This guide only covers staking with locked FLOW tokens.



The token holder must configure their account to hold locked FLOW before they are able to complete the steps below. After this is complete, the LockedTokens.TokenHolder can be used to perform staking operations from the account.

Register a New Staked Node

To register as a node, the token holder can use the Register Node (TH.06) transaction with the following arguments:

idStringThe ID of the new node. It must be a 32 byte String. The operator is free to choose this value, but it must be unique across all nodes. A recommended process to generate this is to hash the staking public key.
roleUInt8The role of the new node. (1: collection, 2: consensus, 3: execution, 4: verification, 5: access)
networkingAddressStringThe IP address of the new node.
networkingKeyStringThe networking public key as a hex-encoded string.
stakingKeyStringThe staking public key as a hex-encoded string.
amountUFix64The number of FLOW tokens to stake.

This transaction registers the account as a node with the specified node information and attaches a NodeStakerProxy capability to the TokenHolder resource. This capability can later be used to perform staking actions.

Once an account has registered as a node, they cannot register any additional nodes. For more information, see Stake Multiple Nodes from the Same Account below. This feature will be added in the future.

An account can use this transaction to register a different node that replaces the old node, but only if they have withdrawn ALL tokens for their node from their record in the staking contract. If there are any tokens remaining, the re-registration will fail. This is because the registration overwrites the old one, which would revoke access to their tokens.

Once the token holder has registered their node, their tokens and node information are committed to the central staking contract for the next epoch.

At this point, the token holder now has access to various staking operations that they can perform, assuming they have the correct number of tokens to perform the action.

Stake New Tokens

The token holder can stake additional tokens at any time.

Note: this transaction stakes additional tokens to the same node that was registered in the setup phase. It is currently not possible to stake to multiple nodes from the same account.

To stake new tokens via the NodeStakerProxy, the token holder can use the Stake New Locked FLOW (TH.08) transaction with the following arguments:

amountUFix64The number of FLOW tokens to stake.

This transaction commits tokens to stake from the token holder's locked token account.

Re-stake Unstaked Tokens

After tokens become unstaked, the token holder can choose to re-stake the unstaked tokens to the same node.

To staked unstaked tokens via the NodeStakerProxy, the token holder can use the Re-stake Unstaked FLOW (TH.09) transaction with the following arguments:

amountUFix64The number of unstaked FLOW tokens to stake.

Re-stake Rewarded Tokens

After earning rewards from staking, the token holder can choose to re-stake the rewarded tokens to the same node.

To staked rewarded tokens via the NodeStakerProxy, the token holder can use the Re-stake Rewarded FLOW (TH.10) transaction with the following arguments:

amountUFix64The number of rewarded FLOW tokens to stake.

Since rewarded tokens are considered to be unlocked for the purposes of the vesting schedule, and staked tokens are considered locked, staking rewarded tokens marks the staked tokens as locked and marks an equal amount of tokens in the token holder's LockedTokens.LockedTokenManager as unlocked.

Unstake Tokens

The token holder can submit a request to unstake their tokens at any time. If the tokens aren't staked yet, they will be uncommitted and available to withdraw.

To unstake staked tokens via the NodeStakerProxy, the token holder can use the Unstake FLOW (TH.11) transaction.

This transaction requires no arguments.

Warning: this will unstake all of the user's staked tokens.

Note: unstaked tokens will be held by the central staking contract until the end of the following epoch. Once the tokens are released (unstaked), they can be claimed via the Withdraw Unstaked Tokens action below.

Withdraw Unstaked Tokens

After tokens become unstaked, the token holder can withdraw them from the central staking contract.

To withdraw unstaked tokens via the NodeStakerProxy, the token holder can use the Withdraw Unstaked FLOW (TH.13) transaction with the following arguments:

amountUFix64The number of unstaked FLOW tokens to withdraw.

This transaction moves the unstaked tokens back into the LockedTokens.TokenManager owned by the token holder.

Withdraw Rewarded Tokens

After earning rewards from staking, the token holder can withdraw them from the central staking contract.

To withdraw rewarded tokens via the NodeStakerProxy, the token holder can use the Withdraw Rewarded FLOW (TH.14) transaction with the following arguments:

amountUFix64The number of rewarded FLOW tokens to withdraw.

This transaction moves the rewarded tokens back into the LockedTokens.TokenManager owned by the token holder. However, unlike unstaked tokens, rewards are unlocked FLOW and can be immediately withdrawn from the locked account.

Query a Staker Record

To return a struct with all the information associated with a node, anyone can use the Get Node Info (TH.06) script with the following arguments:

nodeIDStringThe 32 byte ID of the node

This script returns a FlowIDTableStaking.NodeInfo struct.

Stake Multiple Nodes from the Same Account

Currently, the LockedTokens contract only supports token holders staking to a single node.

If a token holder wants to create a second staking relationship, they must create a new account and transfer their locked tokens to the new account by requesting authorization from the token admin.

We plan on adding functionality in the future to allow accounts to stake to multiple nodes.

Delegate from the Same Account

An account that registers a node with locked FLOW can also register as a delegator from the same account. See the Locked Delegation Guide for how to register a delegator.